COURTESY OF Rochester Public Library | rochester history division
Our Vision
The Highland Park Conservancy
is an all volunteer-led steward of,
and advocate for, Highland Park
as a unique and historic public space
for all people and as an
inspiration for creating a diverse,
equitable and healthy community.
Our Mission
We advocate for, and facilitate the public’s appreciation of and active engagement with, Highland Park and its preservation, restoration and enhancement as an historic Olmsted-designed world-class arboretum.
Annual Meeting Videos
2023 Annual Meeting
2024 Annual Meeting
Turning the Dirt for Frederick Douglass
2022 Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting Programs
2024 • "Rebuilding for the Future: The Children's Pavilion Project" by Katie Comeau, Architectural Historian with Bero Architecture. Bero prepared the Children’s Pavilion Feasibility Study, 2002, and has done the design and construction plans for Monroe County's Department of Environmental Services and Department of Parks. She updated us on the current status of the design.
2023 • "Olmsted's 201st: What's Next?" Anne “Dede” Neal Petri, the first President & CEO of the Olmsted Network (ON). For over 40 years, ON has been dedicated to advancing the life, work, and living legacy of Frederick Law Olmsted. In 2022, Dede spoke about the importance of Olmsted 200 as a catalyst for the protection of Olmsted parks as we move forward.
2022 • Justin Martin • Brought a unique depth of understanding of our unique Olmsted heritage as author of the meticulously researched Genius of Place–The Life of Frederick Law Olmsted (Da Capo Press, 2011).
2020 & 2021 • Due to the pandemic the two Annual Meetings were held virtually. JoAnn Beck, HPC president, reported on HPC’s key accomplishments for the year; election of Board of Directors was held via proxy votes by the membership.
2019 • Sara Cedar Miller • Central Park Conservancy photographer and historian. Author of Central Park, An American Masterpiece (Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 2003).
2018 • Sue R. Steele • Rochester Landscape Architect. She presented “Nature as Therapy: How Contact with the Natural Environment can Improve your Health and Well-Being.” Sue has been instrumental in the design of such local projects as the El Camino Trail, the Brickyard Trail and Art Walk.
2017 • Tupper Thomas • retired Administrator of Prospect Park in Brooklyn, NY, founding member and former President of the Prospect Park Alliance and Executive Director of New Yorkers for Parks. She shared her career-long experiences restoring Olmsted’s Prospect Park.
2016 • Stephanie Crockatt • Executive Director & Brian Dold • Director of Planning and Advocacy – Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy. They showcased the revitalization of the Buffalo Olmsted Parks system and its role in Buffalo’s renaissance.
Through an agreement with the City of Rochester, the Monroe County Parks Department maintains and operates Highland Park, including Lamberton Conservatory. Visit Monroe County Parks Department for Park hours and rules, information on Lamberton Conservatory, Highland Bowl events, recreational activities, memorials, the rental of facilities or any operational question pertaining to the Park.
Strategic Plan
Highland Park Conservancy, founded in 1994, is a member-supported, all volunteer organization: the official not-for-profit partner of Monroe County for the stewardship of Highland Park. As part of our mission, we…
conduct tours and run special events (free and open to all);
organize a corps of Volunteer Garden Stewards who assist in the maintenance and beautification of the Park;
communicate through print, video and social media topics of current, educational and historical import about the Park;
support and advocate for the reconstruction of the Children’s Pavilion – a key, original purpose of the Park as a public scenic overlook.