Become a Garden Partner…
If your organization is seeking an opportunity to be involved in HPC’s Garden Work–JOIN US AS A HIGHLAND PARK GARDEN PARTNER. There are ALWAYS more weeds to be pulled! Enjoy outdoor time and contribute to our beautiful Highland Park. We can accommodate your schedule and welcome differing levels of expertise. Our heartfelt thanks to all who have joined us in the past and all who will be joining us in the future.
Amiko's Tuesday morning class works alongside HPC volunteers. "All courses are currently held outside, in all kinds of weather. Children … enjoy fresh air, sunshine, and the beauty of the season every day.” The teachers and students pull weeds, mulch, plant bulbs, roll down the hills and uncover the natural secrets of the Park!
PICK UP THE PARKS is an annual Monroe County program that engages the community to help clean up winter trash and debris accumulation. It helps the parks get a jump start for looking great for the spring and summer months. PICK UP THE PARKS is scheduled in April–watch our Events listings for the date and specific directions for Highland Park specifics.
United Way of Greater Rochester & the Finger Lakes–for several years the Day of Caring volunteers have have raked, raked and raked some more in the Warner Castle Estate Gardens. The annual event brings together energetic volunteers to complete community service projects throughout the area; it’s the largest community-wide volunteer event across our region. This year’s date is May 19, 2022.
“MVP Health Care is committed to making a positive, healthy impact in the communities [they] serve.” In 2021 employees from their Rochester office partnered with HPC’s Garden Stewards–working in the fresh air and sunshine while removing bags and bags of invasive perennials.
“Weed Wrangle® is a Garden Club of America stewardship program for all communities; ... a grassroots project whose efforts are improved one weed, one volunteer at a time." Both the Rochester Garden Club (pics 1 & 2) and the Allyn's Creek Garden Club (pics 3 & 4), members of GCA, volunteered a morning each in the Park–we didn't count, but they dug out piles of the noxious Pale Swallow-wort (Cynanchum rossicum).